My heart hurts today It's been too long and I think I understand you're not coming home. It's taken me so long to realise and accept this and it's a bitter pill to swallow. You are so missed, so loved and I just want a hug from you so badly, I hate that you were taken from us, I'm angry that you had to endure what you did yet in awe of your grace and dignity. Ill live my life with a big hole in my heart because I loved you that much, but it was worth it to have had the time we did. I don't know if this helps, writing this out but it sort of feels like putting it somewhere you might hear how I still think of you, how I still talk to you in my head and know that although I have people around me who are wonderful, you meant more than maybe even you knew. One day I'll be able to hold your hand again and we will be somewhere else and I'll be able to tell you again how special you are xxxxxxx